Having More Than One Best Friend: Is This Good or Possible?

let's us consider some of the advantages of having more two best friends and how you can make the best out of it.

Two best friends

Can You Have More Than One Best Friend?

Can you have more than one best friend? Technically, yes! 

Having more than one best friend is an option you can consider. This is because, most times, the positive result often outweighs the negatives. Basically, everyone believes that having one best friend is a goal, but realistically, having the opportunity to have more than one best friend is a true blessing.

In such light, let's us consider some of the advantages of having more two best friends and how you can make the best out of it.

Is It Okay For Your Best Friend To Have Another Best Friend?

Trust me, it is really okay to have more than one best friend. You can more than one best friend who are equally as important or special to you. There needs to be some understanding between you guys. You don't have to pick one friend who is closer to you than the rest.

Conversely, if your friend has another best friend, it doesn't mean they like or value you any less.

Advantages Of Having More Than One Best Friend

Having stated the fact that you have more than one best friend, it is pertinent to also consider some of the pros of having such mutual relationship with more than one person.

1. Someone is always around

Obviously, one of the best things about having more than one bestie is the fact that when one of your best friend is too busy to hang out with or never has the time, you can always count on the other to be there. There's always a substitute to consider.

This is because you can be going through some difficult stuffs, and needing someone to talk to is one of the best ways to help yourself. Your best friend not being around might prove some difficulty. In such case, having another best friend allows you to have another best friend who is also open to listen to you.

2. Form a deeper connection

When you really get to know someone and understand all their flaws and perfections, you’ve been through a lot with them and there’ve been there with you all this time, it’s an incredible feeling to have more than one person who you can experience this with.

Having two best friends give you that chance to discover more about others and yourself while also the way they influence your life for the better.

3. Beater chance of having more fun

One of the reasons will all have best friends is to have someone to relate with and have some of the craziest fun with. Hence, in this case, having more than one friends assures you of the possibility of more fun. 

You’ll know for sure that you’re never going to get tired or bored since they’ll be plenty of ideas to bounce such as, where to visit next, which movie to watch, or some new place to grab a quick bite at.

4. A peacemaker to settle conflict

Another advantage of having more than one best friend is the privilege to have a middle person, a peace maker that can settle dispute between you and the other best friend. This is because the person knows the truth of the story, this makes it even more easy to call for settlement of disputes.

If you have only one best friend, it’s easy for both of you to become stubborn and take longer to make up.

But with another neutral friend involved, this person will encourage you both to make up and see each other’s point of view rather than prolonging the fight. The quicker an argument can be resolved, the better it is for the friendship.

5. You’ll still have someone to go out

A friend who isn’t available to hang out or talk is quite normal especially when they have a lot of responsibilities on their plate or are busy with their significant others.

Having another friend who is available to be there feels like a relief. Especially, when you have problems or need someone to help you through a hard time.

6. Cheaper meals

Although not much of a big deal, but it can be quite helpful sometimes. Going out with friends often can be a costly expense but when you have more friends around, splitting the bill into three makes it easier on your wallet.

Also, if you have no issue with sharing, you can order many different items on the menu and a greater experience of trying different dishes.

7. Finding Solutions

Having more than one best friend gives you the chance to find more faster and best solutions to some of the problems you can't discuss with other persons other than your best friend. Like the saying goes, two heads are always better than one.

Having more people to give you different ways of looking at a problem when you’re going through something can be a great help to find new solutions.

8. Getting More Ideas

Everyone has different perspective to different things. This is one of the specialty of being humans, it helps to outlay the same things in different ways. This is one of the advantages of having more than one best friend.

They can both contribute to your plans, and give you several suggestions. At the long run, you can decide on what to do.

Yes! We agreed to the question, "can you have more than one best friend?" and we considered the advantages of having more than one best friend. But what about the disadvantages?

Yes, there are some cons to having more than best friend.

Can You Have More Than One Best Friend? Yes, But...

There can be an issue of jealousy if there's no accurate understanding between you and your best friends.

One of the best friends might be left out of the discussion or the friendship. But you can make this work by being more intentional on what interest you guys and have some understanding on it.


Having more two best friends is great even though it poses a slightly negative aspect but you have to remember is that not every friendship is perfect and it’s not certain that you will experience any of these situations with your friends.

At the end of the day, the pros outweigh the cons but if you do for some reason experience any of the challenges, simply find a way to deal with it or find new solutions you can implement to avoid hurting any of your friends.



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Thrillets: Having More Than One Best Friend: Is This Good or Possible?
Having More Than One Best Friend: Is This Good or Possible?
let's us consider some of the advantages of having more two best friends and how you can make the best out of it.
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