4 Side Effects Of Sleeping With A Fan On You

Side Effects Of Sleeping With A Fan On You

4 Side Effects Of Sleeping With A Fan On You

What are the side effects of sleeping with a fan on you? Having a good night sleep is one of the expectations after retiring from a long, stressful day. Among other functions of having a good night sleep, it helps in recovery and in preparation for the next day's activities.

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But this usual expectation can be easily disrupted due to the fact that your room is a hot or isn't cool enough. This now begs the question whether switching your fan on is the right and healthy alternative in order to finally have that cool environment you desire?

This article delves into some of the side effects of sleeping with a fan on you

Common Side Effects Of Sleeping With A Fan On You

Despite the cool, sleep-friendly environment having a fan on you provides, it is safe to say that it also poses some threat to you.

1. Nasal Congestion

One of the side effects of sleeping with a fan on you is that the circulating air from a fan can cause your mouth, nose and throat to dry and ultimately lead to overproduction of mucus. This on the other hand, can cause headaches, sore throat, or even cause you to snore.

Also, if you're already suffering from any of the aforementioned, it can worsen the symptoms.

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2. Muscle aches

Concentrated circulating air may cause your muscles to tense up or cramp. In this way, a fan can prompt you to wake up with sore muscles.

You can help lessen your chances for developing muscle aches by pointing the fan away so the air doesn’t blow directly on you.

3. Allergies

Fans tend to circulate dust and pollen in the air, most especially in a dirty or dusty environment. This might trigger some allergies in some people. Some of these symptoms are running nose, itchy throats watery eyes or any sort of breathing difficulties.

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4. Dry eyes and skin

Another side effects of sleeping with a fan on you is that the air from a fan can dry out your skin and eyes. Moisturizing your skin and using soothing eye drops may help you avoid these symptoms.

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