Wolf Worm In Humans | Causes and Prevention

Wolf worms prefer using rodents and rabbits as a host. Irrespective of this, this doesn't automatically exempt the possibility that humans can also be

 Wolf Worm In Humans

Wolf worms in humans

It is less likely for a humans to be infected with wolf worms. Wolf worms prefer using rodents and rabbits as a host. Irrespective of this, this doesn't automatically exempt the possibility that humans can also be infected with wolf worms.

As a result, we will consider what wolf worm in humans is, the causes of wolf worm in humans and the necessary precautions, prevention that are required to avoid getting infected by wolf worm.

What Is Wolf Worm In Humans

Wolf worm in humans is a type of botfly's (this type of botfly is called cuterebra) parasitic larvae that is embedded in the skin, eyes, nose, mouth or other openings of their host. Their preferred hosts are often rodents and rabbits. Other accidental hosts are cats, dogs and other mammals.

As stated earlier, their preference for rabbits and rodents as hosts does not out rule that humans can also get infected.

Causes Of Wolf Worm In Humans

Wolf worm in humans are caused by a type of botfly called Cuterebra. Wolf worms are initially eggs laid by botflies to mature and develop in the skin of their hosts until they develop fully into an adult botfly. Humans are more likely to be infected by dogs, cats, or other mammals which are already infected with wolf worms.

How To Prevent Wolf Worm In Humans

It won't be unwise to erase the possibility that humans can get infected by wolf worm. Although, around 150 known species of botfly exists around the world, but only one is known to attack humans. 

 Common modes of transmission includes: Children playing in sandboxes where cats have defecated. Walking barefoot through contaminated soil, playing with infected pets.

Hence, the best possible way to prevent infestation of wolf worm in humans is to maintain hygiene by washing your hands whenever you come in contact with your pets or notice something related to wolf worms infestation.



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Wolf Worm In Humans | Causes and Prevention
Wolf worms prefer using rodents and rabbits as a host. Irrespective of this, this doesn't automatically exempt the possibility that humans can also be
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