How To Cure Sore Throat From Sleeping With Mouth Open

How To Cure Sore Throat From Sleeping With Mouth Open

How To Cure Sore Throat From Sleeping With Mouth Open

How to cure sore throat from sleeping with mouth open— Technically, everybody at some point tend to sleep with their mouths open. But if it becomes severe, It might be a symptom to a medical condition that requires urgent medical care.

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This is because you may think you’re coming down with a viral infection. But in fact, if you’re not feeling sick and don’t have a fever, but incessantly wake up with a sore throat, there might be other things that are causing it.

In this article, we'll be covering some void on how to cure sore throat from sleeping with mouth open and some notable tips on how to prevent yourself from having sore throat immediately after waking up in the morning.

In such light, we'll also be answering some obvious questions that are closely related to having sore throat form sleeping with mouth open.

Can Sleeping With An Open Mouth Cause A Sore Throat?

Sleeping with mouth open is one of the reasons why you might have sore throat. Technically, this can dry out your throat and cause it to be scratchy or sore. 

Hence, if you have consistent sore throat or dry mouth and suffer from sore throat afterwards, you should consider following some valuable tips such as sleeping on your side and raising the head of your bed.

What Happens To Your Throat When You Sleep With Your Mouth Open?

Sleeping with mouth open can cause your throat to compress as your tongue falls further back into your airway and the open space behind your tongue and soft palate is reduced. The airway dries out. 

This happens because mouth breathing doesn't humidify incoming air like nasal breathing does

After considering the following related notes, let's delve into how to cure sore throat from sleeping with mouth open.

Can Sleeping With Mouth Open Be Dangerous To Health

Yea. Consistent sleeping with mouth open can be a symptom of a chronic sleep disorder called sleep apnea. This may be a sign that there is something wrong with your respiratory system. Situations like these requires urgent medical care.

How To Cure Sore Throat From Sleeping With Mouth Open

There are several ways on how to cure sore throat from sleeping with mouth open. Below are some of the home treatment you can consider on how to cure sore throat from sleeping with mouth open.

They are:

While severe sore throats may need medical attention, there are things you can do at home to ease the symptoms.

You can:

  1. Suck on ice chips or popsicles in order to soothe your throat. 
  2. Try hard candies or lozenges. This is another way to soothe your throat
  3. Use a humidifier. This is if there’s dry air where you sleep.
  4. Gargle with salt water to curb the itching in your throat.
  5. Drink warm beverages and plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
  6. Use honey to ease coughs for adults. Children can have honey if they’re over 1 year old.

How To Stop Snoring

Aside finding the effective ways on how to cure sore throat from sleeping with mouth open, it is also pertinent to find some helpful ways on how to stop snoring. If snoring is prevented, this can ultimately stop you from suffering from sore throat immediately you wake up from your bed.

Below are some of ways on how to prevent yourself from snoring:

  • Lose weight. This is if you are overweight
  • Sleep on your side.
  • Try mouth exercises
  • Elevate the head of your bed.
  • Nasal strips or an external nasal dilator.
  • Treat nasal congestion or obstruction. 
  • Limit or avoid alcohol and sedatives, especially immediately after retiring to bed.
  • Quit smoking. 
  • Practice good sleep hygiene.
  • Get enough sleep.


As stated earlier, sleeping with mouth open might serve as a symptom to a possible sleep apnea, a several respiratory condition, and shouldn't be taken with levity if the sore throat becomes more consistent. Following these guides could help on how to cure sore throat from sleeping with mouth open and prevent snoring.

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